It’s the blog’s 4th Birthday today and I couldn’t be happier.
Things haven’t been quite the same since we started. However, there are a lot of things that are still the same.
The blog remains the same in its essence – I write about products/things that excite me. Or disappoint me, for that matter.
My “team” has been the same. I’ve been using the same camera, same laptop and same phone since this journey began. They’ve never let me down.
My “assistant” is also the same wonderful girl who doubles up as my girlfriend. She always spell-checks my posts and helps me with photos/shoots without asking for anything in return. Well, that isn’t true. She always gets an ice-cream.
And, of course, RD has always remained someone I can rely on. This site would be nothing without him.
I don’t know, you guys. Growth and changes happen everyday. I’m just happy to still be here and to be able to turn to this space and know that it’ll always be a safe haven for me. I’m also happy to able to help at least one person with my swatches and reviews, if at all.
As always, thank you for giving Midori Kitty Kitty a chance. I’m truly grateful for all your support and love. Here’s to many more years! Cheers!