Happy 6th Birthday, Midori!

It’s been six whole years since Midori Kitty Kitty came into existence, can you believe it?


Last year I didn’t have enough money to buy myself a cake to celebrate. This year… You bet I’m going to stuff my face with cake. I deserve it, now more than ever.


What a year 2020 has been, huh? I wince at the thought that I once imagined 2020 would treat me well. I was clearly delirious during New Years Eve and, frankly, way too invested in Sabrina Claudio’s music.


However, strangely enough, I did find a silver lining amidst the house on fire that my life was turning out be. I got to recalibrate myself, which, I’m aware, is a luxury. During this time, I discovered that makeup no longer made me happy the way it used to. The ceaseless shopping bouts, the frivolous spending, the infinite loop of wanting newer and shinier things – it made me question my past self.


Earlier this year, I imposed a No-Buy on myself. It went swimmingly and it definitely taught me a lesson or two. The most important of which was to not buy something just for the sake of it. From now on, I want to buy things that truly, deeply, madly (hah) excite me and I want to keep things that hold more or less some meaning.


Don’t worry, I still have enough makeup to keep this blog running for the next three years without ever buying anything new. (That’s how bad it had gotten, folks.)


Thankfully, I still very much enjoy the activity that is blogging and what it entails for me. Thinking, taking photos, editing, writing – they’re all things I still love doing. So maybe to keep my sanity from slipping, I’ll post some non-makeup related posts every now and then.


I earnestly hope, despite my seemingly exhausted tone in this post, I still continue to help and answer questions about makeup products. And the occasional skincare bits and bobs, too.


A sincere thank you to RD and OC for helping me keep this flame alive. Another huge thank you is in order for both ND and PB, thank you for always pushing me to keep going. I wish I could share the cake with all of you. I’m kidding, the cake’s all mine.


Ah, as I type, the clock has struck 12. It’s offically September 2nd, 2020. Midori’s Birthday. In honour of her, I prepared the following comic panel for your enjoyment. If you like it even a little, I’ll be satisfied.



That’s how I picture Midori in my head. I’m beyond ecstatic that these came out so well.


As always, I will continue to work hard for both this blog’s sake and for readers who come looking for help and inspiration. I hope to always answer your queries. If not, ask me a question here and we can figure things out together.


Thank you for giving Midori Kitty Kitty a chance. I’m truly grateful for all your support and love. Here’s to many more years!

*makes herself a rum and coke*



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