Recent Purchases + Thoughts #2
You know, I really thought I would turn over a new leaf and post at least once a month. Alas, no such luck. I do intend to post more frequently from now on but I’ll put my money where my mouth is. Continue Reading
You know, I really thought I would turn over a new leaf and post at least once a month. Alas, no such luck. I do intend to post more frequently from now on but I’ll put my money where my mouth is. Continue Reading
Here are some recent (to recent-ish) acquisitions and my thoughts on them. Continue Reading
So, in this new series, I just want to tackle a handful of products in one go. That way, I won’t feel guilty about not writing anything about certain products I like/dislike and will more or less cover my entire roster of products. Think of it as several Quickies compiled into one post. I really hope I can continue this series. Continue Reading
Before my girlfriend nags me about not posting the follow-up to ‘Winter Warriors #1’ again, I leave this post here for your viewing/reading pleasure. Continue Reading
So, I was using these three products on a regular basis back in December. And guess what – these are all products from local brands! How cool is that? Continue Reading
I go through Cleansing Oils fairly quick and they’re something I truly look forward to, at the end of the day. Doing my cleansing routine gives me peace of mind like no other. Continue Reading
These mists are perfect for the sweltering summer heat. You won’t be able to get enough! Continue Reading
For a short period of time, I no longer had the time nor patience for the 7 Skin Method. However, I re-introduced this step(ssss) back into my routine because I missed it. My Summer Skincare Routine is fairly simple but going the extra mile with my toner has been keeping my skin in check. Continue Reading
This is not my favourite Skinfood Wash-Off Mask, but I get why it’s popular. Continue Reading
This was a delightful little sheet mask. Continue Reading